Twenty years ago, you found romance for the first time with a girl named Anna. You thought the world of her. You had an adolescent sense that the two of you would be together forever. In the past, Anna would remain a memory. Something sacred. Something untouched. Something that would be etched somewhere between your own imagination and the reality of being fifteen years old. Anna, as in all my musings, could be Andrew.
Inevitably, she has now contacted you over social media.
Anna has four kids, she lives in the suburbs and your adolescent buzz has vanished. Thanks.
My clients are all guilty of destroying the memory of Anna or having the memory destroyed by Anna herself. Anna is sometimes better left in your past. Anna is a fond memory. Love had. Love lost.
I encourage my clients to try, hard as it may be, to a have a healthy relationship with their past, and equally, a healthy relationship with the emotions that can be elicited over social media.
Sometimes I wish Anna would stop trying to reconnect. The memory was good enough.
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts.